25 September 2007

I send an SOS...

Puxa... Socorro... o trânsito em Queijas está impossível... nem quando há futebol no estádio nacional há tanto carro. Vieram estacionar até à rotunda pertinho da minha futura casa! Ou seja, quase chegaram aqui à porta.
Daqui de casa ouvia-se o barulho do concerto... mas não prestei muita atenção... cedi os meus bilhetes e escolhi não ir, não ia ficar à janela a ouvi-los.
A julgar pela multidão deve ter sido um concerto e pêras.

Já me ri um bocadinho com esta história do concerto. Estava há pouco a dizer ao meu amiguinho de Wales:
n a n a says:
today The Police were here
G says:
n a n a says:
in a stadium very near my house
G says:
you worried me then
G says:
i didn't realise you meant the band...

hehehe, que tolinho...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've called you so many times today
And I guess its all true what your girlfriends say
That you don’t ever want to see me again
And your brothers going to kill me and he’s six feet ten
But I’m not prepared to go on like this
I cant stand losing you
I see you’ve sent my letters back
And my LP records and they’re all scratched
I cant see the point in another way
When nobody listens to a word I say
You can call it lack of confidence
But to carry on living doesn’t make no sense
I cant stand losing you
I guess this is our last goodbye
And you don’t care so I wont cry
But you’ll be sorry when I’m dead
And all this guilt will be on your head
I guess you’d call it suicide
But I’m too full to swallow my pride
I can't stand losing you
